How to write an effective YouTube description ..YouTube SEO

YouTube SEO

Writing an effective YouTube description is just as important as your video buy why
that is because YouTube description is the best way to boost your video .SEO and YouTube rankings which will determine if your videos top the list or not .

youtube seo

The YouTube description gives an overview of the content of your video and the information you enter in the YouTube description box will help viewers understand what the video is about when searching on google and YouTube along with the videos title and tags .
The description plays a major role in YouTube SEO and ranking albeit if done right .

How to write a good description for your YouTube videos 2020

An effective YouTube description that gets more views for your video should include the following

  • Related text displays at least 1000 characters
  • The keywords for on google , YouTube and fit your video
  • Hashtags
  • Timestamps
  • Link to related content or affiliate links 

Include your most important keywords

Your YouTube description helps you understand the content and context of your video any word or keyword that you include in the description can help you boost video rankings in YouTube searches and YouTube strongly recommends improving your video description for SEO as YouTube is one of the largest search engines in the world .

Add value 

Since the first lines of the YouTube description  appear on search engines it should be interesting enough to get people interested enough to watch the video 
If you mention any tools products services or other resource information on your video consider including links in  your description YouTube also recommends links to playlists and information on your channels topic .


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